Amp(s) - Ampoules, b.d. or BD - Twice per day, Cap(s) - Capsule(s), Gast or PEG - Gastrostomy tube, g or GM - Grams, IM or i/m - Intramuscular, Jej or PEGJ - Jejunostomy, Kg or KG - Kilogram, l - Litre, MAR - Medicine Administration Record, mg or MG - Milligrams, ml - Millilitres, Neb - Nebuliser, NG - Nasogastric tube, sc or SC - Subcutaneous, O2 - Oxygen, o.d. or OD - Once daily (Omni die), p.r.n or PRN - As required (Pro re nata), q.d.s. or QDS - Four times per day (Quarter die sumendum), t.d.s. or TDS - Three times a day (Ter die sumendum), Buccal - Relating to the cheek., Rectal - Relating to the rectum,

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