My friend is travelling around the world, but I haven't heard from her recently and I'm starting to get worried. - Do you recycle? Why (not)?, There's a chance of a promotion at work, but I'm not sure I want to apply for it. - What is more important for you: your job or your social life?, My son is graduating from secondary school this year. He wants to take a gap year before going to university, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. - Do you follow celebrity news? Why (not)?, I'm thinking of changing my degree at university and studying art instead. - Is it essencial to have money in order to live a good life? Why (not)?, My best friend is getting married next week, but I don't get along very well with her partner. - Would you consider working abroad? Why (not)?, I lost my job last month and I'm having trouble paying my bills. I'm not sure what I should do. - Why should people use more public transport?, I want to start doing exercise, but a gym membership is really expensive. - Do you spend more time with your family or with friends?, One of my colleagues is really lazy and never does any work. I'm thinking about telling the boss about it. - What public figure do you look up to? Why?, I've been offered a job in the city, but I don't know if I want to take it because it's so far from my family. - Do you think the living standards in your town/city are good? Why (not)?, My brother wants to start a new business, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. - Would you rather work in an office or outdoors? Why?, My niece is moving abroad for work and I want to get her something nice for her to remember me. - Do you think the environment is a bigger concern now than in the past?, It's my 25th wedding anniversary this year and I want to have a big party, but my wife doesn't agree. - How did your parents affect your personal values?, I want to sell my flat in the village and buy a flat in the city, but money might be an issue. - Do you think celebrities deserve all the attention they get?, I got a phone call from my boss the other day and I still can't believe what she told me. - Have living standards improved in the last 50 years?, My girlfriend wants to go to Rome on holiday this year, but I don't really want to go there because I prefer a relaxing holiday. - Is it important to have a good salary?, I watch a lot of news in the TV, but I think I might stop. It's so depressing! - What is your opinion about climate change?, My daughter starts school next year and we can't decide whether she should go to state school or a private school. - Would you prefer to be rich or to be famous? Why?, My uncle is a farmer and he loves it, but he's been having some money issues recently. - What celebrity from your country has been in the news recently? Why?, I've been thinking about contacting my old school friends to have a reunion, but I haven't spoken to most of them in years. - Are there parts of your country that are richer than other areas? Why (not)?, One of my neightbours never recycles and I think I should say something. - Is it necessary to enjoy your job? Why (not)?, I heard some strange noises outside my bedroom window last night and now I'm scared to sleep alone. - Why is renewable energy better for the environment?, Sometimes I wish I could be rich and famous, but I never have the opportunity to show off my talents. - Does money change people's values? Why (not)?, My nephew has made some very interesting friends at university, but I'm not sure about the path he's going down. - What do you think it would it be like to be part of a famous family?, I feel like I can't afford basic things nowadays. Everything is so much more expensive than it used to be. - What do you consider essencial for a good life? (food, water, internet..), My wife and I are retiring soon and we are considering moving to another country for a few years, but we are worried that the change will be too much for us. - How has technology changed the workspace?,

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