A photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone and shared on social media. - a selfie, To intrude into the background of a photograph without the subject's knowledge, often in a humorous or attention-seeking way. - to photobomb, The feeling of anxiety or unease that arises from the fear of missing out on enjoyable experiences or events. - FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), An acronym used to express the idea that one should make the most of the present moment and take risks. - YOLO (You Only Live Once), A blend of "hungry" and "angry," referring to the irritable or grouchy feeling caused by hunger. - Hangry, A short form of "random person," often used to describe someone unknown or unfamiliar. - Rando, An image, video, or piece of text that is widely shared and replicated with humorous or cultural significance. - Meme, The act of suddenly ending all communication with someone, especially in a romantic or social context, without providing an explanation. - Ghosting, A person who has a significant online following and is capable of influencing the opinions, behaviors, or purchasing decisions of their followers. - Influencer, The practice of publicly criticizing and boycotting individuals or entities for perceived offensive or objectionable actions or statements. - Cancel culture, The pleasure derived from taking time for oneself and intentionally disconnecting from social events or digital distractions. - JOMO (Joy of Missing Out), A term used to describe an aspirational group of friends or colleagues, often associated with a desirable lifestyle or shared accomplishments. - Squad goals, The process of extracting useful information or patterns from large datasets using computational algorithms and statistical techniques. - Data mining, The network of physical devices, vehicles, appliances, and other objects embedded with sensors and software that enable them to connect and exchange data. - Internet of Things (IoT) , Tiny particles of plastic, usually less than 5 millimeters in size, that are found in the environment, including water sources and food. - Microplastics, The use of electronic communication to harass, intimidate, or humiliate others, typically through social media or online platforms. - Cyberbullying, The act of intruding on or disrupting a virtual meeting or webinar on the Zoom video conferencing platform. - Zoom-bombing, The fear or anxiety of being without one's mobile phone or being unable to use it. - Nomophobia, The practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. - Crowdfunding, A labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, often facilitated through online platforms or apps. - Gig economy,

new words and phrases that have gained popularity in the English language over the past 10 years

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