1. You're just ____ because they didn't invite you. 2. They called her names and played ____ jokes on her. 3. My ____ cousin has a ton of homework to do, but he has decided to sleep in late and play games instead of doing it. 4. She was ____ about her accomplishments even though she had a lot to be proud of after the dance competition season. 5. Anyone can draw something exciting, but it really takes an ____ mind to make something interesting out of something that is boring. 6. She was very ____ and had a great sense of humour. 7. Because he is ____, the man dislikes Hispanic people before he even gets to know them. 8. Poverty makes a man ____. 9. We fired the babysitter because she wasn’t ____ and often cancelled at the last minute. 10. Since the toddler didn’t take a nap today, she was ____ for the rest of the evening. 11. The ____ businessman gave money to the homeless man begging for money on the street. 12. He was not known for being ____, which is why they told him to arrive thirty minutes early. 13. Out of all the party guests, my ____ neighbor was the only one to make conversation with me. 14. He was an ____ husband, a generous relation, a sincere friend, a good citizen, an honest man. 15. You should be ____ and tell your mother that it was you who broke the hairdryer. 16. I think I've been very ____. I've been mainly concerned with myself. 17. My ____ father refuses to learn how to navigate the internet. 18. “You must be ____,” the mother told her daughter, “because it will take a while for the seeds to grow into a plant.” 19. This movie may upset a ____ child.

adjectives to describe people

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