Do you wear school uniforms?, What subjects do you like?, How many lessons do you have a week?, How often do you go out with your friends?, How often do you make your bed?, How often do you go swimming?, She doesn't tell lies. She is _ _ _ _ _ _ ., He is a good student. He works really hard. She is _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., She doesn't think she is better than other people. She is _ _ _ _ _ _ . , He thinks he is better and more important than other people. He is _ _ _ _ _ ., Which animal does pull leaves from trees?, Which animal can fly upside down?, What time do you get up?, What does an elephant look like?, Where do dolphins live?, How many meals do you have a day?, Do you eat any junk food?, What are you allergic to?, Have you got any milk in your fridge?, What veggie do you hate?, Who is the best cook at your home?, How often do you go shopping for food?, Which do you prefer: pizza or pasta?, Which do you prefer: a baked potato or baked beans?, What languages do you speak?, What are you doing right now?, What is your mum doing at the moment?, What can you do with your feet?, What can you do with your head? , Where are you sitting?, Who are you listening to?, How should we deal with dogs?, A dog without home is a s _ _ _ _ d _ _ . , What do you do when you find a wallet full of money on the street?, The cat is hungry:( Let's _______!, The teacher is angry :( Let's _______!, That's my book! Give it to _ _ !, That's their flag! Give it to _ _ _ _ !, What must you do at school?, What sports do you know?, What can't you do in basketball? (k _ _ _ the b _ _ _), What must you wear when you ski? (a h _ _ _ _ _), What do you need when you play badminton?, What's the legend about the Warsaw Mermaid?, The Pacific - what's this?, What was your favourite fairy tale (story) when you were a little child?, What do you know about Leprechaun? (Where does he live? What does he look like?), What clothes do you usually wear?, Zorro has got a horse. Whose horse is this? , They've got a swing. The swing is _ _ _ _ _ _ ..

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