construct, construe, misconstrue, unstructured, structure, destruct, reconstruct, instruct, instruction, construction, instructor, substructure, destruction, The new school has been under construction for just three weeks., The swimming instructor blew the whistle when it was time for the kids to get out of the pool., The art class was unstructured, so all of the students could paint or draw whatever they chose., The judge tried to reconstruct the car crash for the jury., The workers laid the substructure for the new house just before it rained., The rocket was made to destruct after it was launched., The tall, thin structure swayed in the strong wind of the thunderstorm. , Mrs. Smith instructed me to play the medley twice before I performed it for the group. , The tornado left a path of destruction three miles long behind it., reconstruct, reconstructive, misinstruct, instrument, infrastructure, indestructible, instrumentation, instrumental, , , , , , , .

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