1) to put software onto your computer a) install b) tool c) operate 2) describes a device or method which saves a lot of time and effort a) labour-saving b) tool c) powerful 3) to produce something, usually in large numbers in a factory a) industrial b) manufacture c) combine 4) to find the size, weight, amount, or speed of something a) portable b) measure c) simple 5) make a machine do what it is designed to do a) purpose b) replace c) operate 6) able to be carried a) simple b) tool c) portable 7) having a lot of strength or force a) powerful b) replace c) sophisticated 8) to buy something a) purchase b) weigh c) simple 9) to start using another thing or person instead of the one that you are using now a) simple b) tool c) replace 10) not difficult to do or to understand a) sophisticated b) simple c) gadget 11) very advanced or works in a clever way a) sophisticated b) consist of c) industrial 12) to turn on or off an electronic device a) tool b) measure c) switch on/off 13) something that helps you to do a particular activity a) operate b) automatic c) tool 14) to measure how heavy someone or something is a) design b) electronic c) weigh 15) why you do something or why something exists a) combine b) attempt c) purpose

Complete IELTS 4-5 Unit 4 Vocabulary 16-31

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