1) I like crocodiles. They are fun to watch. a) I do too b) I don´t either c) neither I am  d) I am neither  2) I don´t do exercise a lot a) so do I b) I do too c) do I either d) Neither do I 3) Juan plays videogames all the time a) I will either b) I could either  c) samuel does too d) samuel can either 4) Samantha doesn´t like to dance at all a) I don´t like to dance either  b) I don´t netiher c) Neither does I  d) I do either 5) I don´t like to collect cards a) I do too b) I am too c) So do I d) neither do I 6) Alejandro likes to eat out during the weekends a) So do too b) neither do I c) I do too d) So does I 7) I don´t like to play team sports a) So do I b) I do too c) neither do I d) either do I 8) Samantha likes to go to the movies  a) I don´t either b) neither does Alex c) Alex does too 9) We went to the rock concert last night. a) So I did b) So did I. c) I didn´t too d) So did I not 10) Stephanie has a new boyfriend. a) So is Mary b) Neither Mary does c) So Mary does d) So does Mary. 11) They don't speak French. a) I do too b) Either do I c) Neither do I. d) So do I 12) Stephanie doesn't eat meat a) Neither does Mary. b) Either does Mary c) So does she d) So she does 13) You haven't finished your meal. a) So have you b) Neither have you. c) either have you d) You have too 14) I hadn't seen her before. a) Neither had I. b) Either had I c) So do I d) I do too 15) You shouldn't talk in the movie. a) So you should b) You should too c) Either should you d) Neither should you. 16) His parents should be more responsible. a) Neither should we b) Either should c) So should we. d) So we should 17) Dogs cannot fly. a) Neither can cats. b) Either can cats c) So can cats d) Cats can too 18) I have been studying a lot recently. a) Me too. b) Too me c) Neither I have d) Either have I 19) I haven't been feeling very well. a) Neither I b) Me neither. c) So am I d) So I do 20) I don't want to drink a glass of water. a) So do I b) I do too c) Either do I d) Neither do I

So too neither either

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