Context: Germany defeated (May 8, 1945), Truman now US President, Churchill replaced by Atlee, Red Army occupied most of Eastern Europe, July/August 1945, Held outside Berlin, War in the East against Japan still going, USA had successfully detonated an atomic bomb, Agreement : Confirmed Germany’s division into four occupation zones, Germany to be Disarmed + Demilitarised + war crime trials, Poland to have a Government of National Unity, Allied Control Council to ‘govern Germany’ (ACC), Potsdam Declaration - ‘Japan to face destruction’ if no surrender , Reparations to be taken from each occupation zone., German eastern border to be shifted westwards, Differences / Difficulties : Stalin felt the West did not appreciate the scale of Soviet losses, Stalin determined to get reparations - West didn’t., Polish - German border , West wanted an economically strong Germany - Stalin didn’t, Composition of Polish Government (Lublin vs London Poles), Truman emboldened by US possession of the atom bomb., West suspicious of Soviet post war aims.,

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