1) They have ... visited the Empire State Building. a) yet b) already 2) Charlotte has been a doctor ... twenty years. a) for b) since 3) I have ... seen Timothy. a) just b) ever 4) Have you ... been to Canada? a) ever b) never 5) William hasn't finished his homework ... a) yet b) already 6) We have lived in Australia ... 2000. a) for b) since 7) My brother has ... bought a car. a) just b) yet 8) New York is the best city I have ... been to. a) never b) ever 9) We have known Emily ... last spring. a) for b) since 10) They haven't arrived ... a) yet b) just 11) I haven't seen Peter ... Wednesday. a) for b) since 12) Children have ... packed their backpacks. a) already b) ever 13) Lilly has ... travelled by plane. a) ever b) never 14) I have ... cleaned my room. a) yet b) just 15) Has she ... tried windsurfing? a) ever b) yet 16) I haven't been here ... last night. a) since b) for 17) Have you ... paid the phone bill? a) already b) yet 18) We have ... eaten such a delicious cake. a) ever b) never 19) She has been on vacation ... six days. a) already b) for 20) Liam has been ill ... Friday. a) just b) since 21) My brother hasn't found a job ... a) just b) yet 22) We have ... talked to Chris. a) just b) yet 23) This is the best coffee I have ... drunk. a) ever b) still 24) Has she checked her mail ...? a) already b) yet 25) Have they ... read any science fiction books? a) ever b) never 26) Amelia has ... left. a) since b) just 27) We haven't mowed the lawn ... a) yet b) already 28) I have ... done many interesting things. a) ever b) already 29) Sally has ... tried Japanese food. a) never b) yet 30) It hasn't snowed ... January. a) since b) for 31) Flight 456 for Barcelona hasn't left ... a) already b) yet 32) I haven't been to Rome ... ages. a) for b) since

Time Markers in Present Perfect

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