1) The ------ maintain law and order a) postman b) doctor c) police 2) Early humans lived in a) towns b) jungles c) villages 3) Early humans saw fire in the a) stove b) jungles c) caves 4) A postman delivers ----- to us a) letters , food,money orders b) money orders, letters,injection c) letters, money orders , parcels 5) Urgent documents, letters, and parcels can be sent through a) e mail b) speed post c) telephone 6) Early humans moved from one place to another in search of a) cloth b) food c) fire 7) Whose duty is to open the letterbox, remove letters and take them to post office a) teacher b) police man c) post man 8) When we communicate with a large number of people it is called a) personal communication b) mass communication 9) early humans eat a) root , noodles,fruits b) fruits , rice .root c) root, fruits raw animal flesh 10) one mean of mass communication a) telephone b) e- reader c) news paper 11) a --- helps us to stay healthy a) farmer b) doctor c) policeman 12) early humans lived a) in caves or on trees b) in villages or in caves c) on tress or in cities 13) our --- teach us to read and write a) teacher b) police c) doctor 14) Through --- letters, parcels reach within a day or two . a) email b) telephone c) courier 15) Early humans built huts from a) bricks b) stones c) cement 16) our teachers give us --- to be good and kind to others a) orders b) values c) medicines 17) PIN is a short form of a) postal index number b) police index number c) postal index numerator 18) early humans need ---- for hunting a) blunt tools b) leaves c) sharp tools 19) -- help us to become good human beings a) doctors b) teachers c) police 20) An address is incomplete without a pin code a) true b) false 21) early humans shaped tools by striking ---- together a) two leaves b) two animal skin c) two stones 22) the ----keep the road free from the traffic jams a) postman b) traffic police c) teacher 23) The first postal system was started by emperor a) sher shah suri b) Akbar c) Shah jahan 24) early humans covered their body with a) leaves,animal skin,frock b) leaves, animal skin ,mud c) leaves,animal skin,barks of trees 25) --- advice protect us from infections a) policeman's b) postman's c) doctor's 26) a small gadget on which can read books a) magazine b) news paper c) e- reader 27) traditional Chinese medicines used --- for medicine a) shrubs b) herbs c) tools 28) Chinese doctors believed that sickness was caused by forces in the body becoming a) balanced b) unbalanced 29) in 186 BCE---- was written describing treatments for common illness. a) Recipe for fifty two ailments b) Recipe for fifty three ailments 30) In the golden age of ---- culture medical scientists discovered new and improved treatments a) Indian b) Chinese c) Islamic 31) one medical scientist whose books have been used to develop modern medicine a) Ibn Sina b) Ali Razi c) Ibn AlNifis 32) in the- doctors began using X-rays a) 1700 b) 1800 c) 1900 33) In1900s scientists learnt that good --- kept people healthy a) medicine b) exercise c) nutrition

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