Igneous Rock - Rock formed from cooling lava or magma, Weathering - The breaking down of rock into smaller fragments, Magma - Molten rock within the earth, Deposition - When sediments that were moved by erosion are laid down in a new location, Mineral - Naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a definite chemical composition and an orderly crystal structure, Sedimentary Rock - Rock formed from the combination of sediments, Law of Conservation of Matter - Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed, rock - A solid mixture of one or more minerals or other materials, rock cycle - Model that shows how rocks are continuously changed, recycled, and transformed over time, lava - Molten rock on Earth’s surface, erosion - Transport of weathered material, Sediment - Loose material that has been moved by wind, water, ice, or gravity, can be rock fragments, mineral grains, chemical deposits, or the remains of living things, Metamorphic Rock - Rock that has been altered by heat and pressure,

Rock Cycle


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