1) In 1868, newspapers were filled with the accounts of men ________ claimed to have become rich overnight in California’s gold fields. a) whom b) that c) which d) who 2) The distinct geology of Cape Cod began ________ about 20,000 years ago. a) formed b) form c) to form d) was forming 3) Jackson Pollock, the twentieth-century American painter, was concerned ________ the connection between the unconscious and artistic creativity. a) with b) in c) of d) for 4) After they vandalized the school, the teenagers ________ the scene. a) flew b) flied c) fleed d) fled 5) The best title for the passage would be a) Pickpockets are well dressed b) Jingle Bell Schools c) Pickpockets d) The hanging of pickpockets 6) The hanging of pickpockets were not continued because a) they were large crowd of people b) it was against humanity c) the police were not at the hanging d) It was not effective to stop pick pocketing 7) Pick pocketing is _______ crime a) an old b) a modern c) a temporary d) a contemporary  8) The passage mentions that pickpockets steal in/from the following, except a) crowded places b) the shops c) drunkards d) women 9) South Americans pickpockets are the most efficient ones because a) They are well-trained b) They are handsome c) They are well-dressed d) They are respectable 10) The topic of this passage is a) reactions to foods b) food and nutrition c) infants and allergies d) a good diet 11) According to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to foods is due to a) the vast number of different foods we eat b) lack of a proper treatment plan c) the similarity of symptoms of the allergy to other problems d) the use of prepared formula to feed babies 12) The word "symptoms" in line 10 is closest in meaning to a) indications b) diet c) diagnosis d) prescriptions 13) The phrase "set off" in lines 16 is closest in meaning to a) relieved b) identified c) avoided d) triggered 14) What can be inferred about babies from this passage? a) They can eat almost anything. b) They should have a carefully restricted diet as infants. c) They gain little benefit from being breast fed. d) They may become hyperactive if fed solid food too early. 15) The word "hyperactive" in line 23 is closest in meaning to a) overly active b) unusually low activity c) excited d) inquisitive

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