Acculturation: Immigrant families adopting local customs and language while maintaining their cultural heritage., A community embracing new religious traditions alongside their existing cultural practices., Exchange students learning to navigate a new education system while preserving home customs., Assimilation: Immigrants fully adopting the dominant culture and abandoning their original cultural identity., A small ethnic group completely losing its distinct language and traditions over generations., A community dismantling its cultural institutions in favor of mainstream societal norms., Multiculturalism: A school curriculum teaching about diverse world cultures and perspectives., Students learning multiple languages and studying various world cultures in school., A neighborhood with restaurants, shops, and places of worship representing different ethnicities., Syncretism: The blending of indigenous and colonial religious practices in parts of Latin America., The fusion of African and European musical styles to create new genres., The blending of colonial and local architectural styles in historic city centers.,

3.8 Effects of Diffusion


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