In which year was Mahatma Gandhi born? - 1869 , Where was Gandhi born?  - Porbandar , India , Gandhi worked as a ______ in India.  - Lawyer , What does this famous quote by Gandhi mean? - “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  - This means that if you want the world to be a better place, you should start by making yourself better. It’s like if you want more kindness in the world, you should start by being kind to others. 💕,  Gandhi taught people "Satyagraha". What does "Satyagraha" mean?  - Satyagraha is a peaceful way to stand up for truth and fairness. 💕 Fight for the truth - but in a peaceful way. Fight with your words - not your fists.✊  , Gandhi's belief of "no violence" was inspired by ... - Martin Luther King Jr., What can we learn from Gandhi? We can learn ... - to be honest, to never give up, and to live simply. His lessons help us be better people and create a kinder world. , "Non-violent" means ...  - fixing problems without fighting or hurting anyone., What is a "march"?  -  Big groups of people walking together to show they care about something. , What is a "vigil"? - Quiet gatherings, often at night with candles, to remember someone or talk about kindness. , What is a "Non-Cooperation" ?  - Not doing something you don’t agree with, like refusing to play an unfair game. , Why is South Africa called the "Rainbow Nation"?  - We are called the "Rainbow Nation" because our country is home to many different peoples and cultures. , Who was Nelson Mandela?  - Nelson Mandela was a brave man who wanted all people to be treated equally, no matter their skin colour, religion, culture, or language. , When was Nelson Mandela born?  - Mandela was born on 18 July 1918., What did Nelson Mandela do?  - Mandela became a lawyer to fight for equal rights for all people in South Africa. , In which year did Nelson Mandela become the first black president of South Africa?  - In 1994, Mandela became the first president of South Africa. , What does this saying by Nelson Mandela mean? - “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."   - It means being strong is not about winning, but about trying again after you made a mistake or failed at something. 😊👍,  Which group did Nelson Mandela join to fight for freedom in South Africa?  - He joined the ANC to fight for freedom in South Africa., What was Apartheid?  - Apartheid was a time when the laws of our country separated South Africans according to their race. These laws were unfair and stopped people of colour from voting, living where they wanted to live and from working where they wanted to work. Black people needed to carry a pass book when going from place to place. , Why did Mandela go to prison? - Nelson went to prison for plotting to overthrow the Apartheid government. ,  How long was Mandela in prison on Robben Island?  - Mandela was in prison for 27 years on Robben Island. , What is a Nobel Prize and why did Nelson Mandela win it?  - The Nobel Prize is like a super special award given to people who have done amazing things to help others. Nelson Mandela got this prize because he worked very hard to make sure all people in South Africa were treated fairly and kindly. ,

Social Sciences - History


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