1) Our boss is ... a fair person - he hires new employees only based on their skills, regardless of their age, nationality or gender. a) so b) such 2) There's ... a mess in management in this company that no surprise they've faced ... a dramatic shortage of qualified specialists. a) so b) such 3) There's ... much paperwork to be done - I can't stand it anymore. a) so b) such 4) Our new government have influenced the economy ... much that it's finally booming. a) so b) such 5) His small business has gone through ... hard times that he finally decided to quit entrepreneurship. a) so b) such 6) Young families feel ... vulnerable without any support from the government, so they either decide to have only one child or never even venture to. a) so b) such 7) The harassment trial completely destroyed the actor's reputation, so no directors will ever hire him after ... a scandal. a) so b) such 8) Van Gough was ... a poor artist, that he himself would hardly believe that nowadays everyone knows his name. a) so b) such 9) He felt ... frustrated at wasting several hours in traffic jams daily, that he finally found a remote job. a) so b) such 10) It's ... hard for women in traditional countries to earn decent living, so marriage seems the only way out. a) so b) such

Outcomes Upper Intermediate Unit 4 Social Issues Grammar so / such

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