: How do you usually spend the dog days of summer when it's extremely hot outside?, If you could choose a place in the sun to live, where would it be and why?, What's your favorite activity to do when you want to soak up the sun?, Have you ever planned a trip just to chase the sun and escape bad weather? Where did you go?, What's the most adventurous or craziest thing you've done during midsummer madness?, Have you ever had a summer fling? How did it impact your summer?, Have you ever experienced an Indian summer? What did you do to enjoy the unexpected warm weather?, What are your best tips and tricks to beat the heat during the hottest days of summer?, Can you describe a moment in your life when you felt like you were walking on sunshine?, Who is a ray of sunshine in your life, and how do they brighten your day?, How do you maintain a sunshine state of mind, especially when things get tough?, If you could experience an endless summer, what activities would you want to include in your daily routine?,

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