
الصف 6 Math

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Coordinate plane
Coordinate plane Imagem com legenda
Food chains & Food webs
Food chains & Food webs Associação
Feelings in Arabic
Feelings in Arabic Associação
Numbers Perseguição em labirinto
جمع المذكر السالم
جمع المذكر السالم Game show de TV
Food Jogo da forca
Math Associação
3D Shapes in Real Life
3D Shapes in Real Life Encontre a combinação
3D Shapes
3D Shapes Associação
اللغه العربيه : ظرف الزمان , المكان
اللغه العربيه : ظرف الزمان , المكان Classificação em grupos
الألف اللينة في نهاية الأسماء الثلاثيّة
الألف اللينة في نهاية الأسماء الثلاثيّة Complete a frase
Math quiz
Math quiz Questionário
Time Table 5
Time Table 5 Associação
kg1 activity
kg1 activity Associação
addition Questionário
Heat Questionário
Polygon Vocabulary
Polygon Vocabulary Associação
اقرأ وطابق
اقرأ وطابق Associação
 التاء المفتوحة والتاء المربوطة والهاء
التاء المفتوحة والتاء المربوطة والهاء Classificação em grupos
مفردات سورة عبس
مفردات سورة عبس Associação
الهمزة المتوسطة
الهمزة المتوسطة Encontre a combinação
 حروف الجر
حروف الجر Associação
حظ Roleta aleatória
Inequalities Associação
Temperature and Pressure
Temperature and Pressure Questionário
Energy Use
Energy Use Associação
أنظمة كوكب الأرض
أنظمة كوكب الأرض Abra a caixa
 جمهورية الهند
جمهورية الهند Imagem com legenda
تدريب Questionário
قصة بائع الحكايات
قصة بائع الحكايات Abra a caixa
حرف الراء
حرف الراء Anagrama
+10. Mental Math. Balloons.
+10. Mental Math. Balloons. Estoura balões
 التركيب النعتي
التركيب النعتي Verdadeiro ou falso
You can be anything.
You can be anything. Combine os pares
الشيخ زايد
الشيخ زايد Questionário
Design Thinking Process
Design Thinking Process Complete a frase
طلاب الصف
طلاب الصف Roleta aleatória
The verbs for the five senses
The verbs for the five senses Questionário
add and subtract tens
add and subtract tens Associação
math Questionário
Math Grade 1
Math Grade 1 Questionário
الصف Caça-palavras
مهارات الصف الاول
مهارات الصف الاول Encontre a combinação
Math Operator Vocabulary
Math Operator Vocabulary Classificação em grupos
Math: 3D Shapes
Math: 3D Shapes Imagem com legenda
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