
7. osztály Művészet

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10.000+ resultados para "7 osztály művészet"

Klasszicizmus Encontre a combinação
Ritmus Abra a caixa
Szimfónikus zenekar
Szimfónikus zenekar Estoura balões
Szolfézsmatek Questionário
pentaton-pentachord Classificação em grupos
FARSANG Roleta aleatória
FNaF Kvíz
FNaF Kvíz Encontre a combinação
Figyelem Questionário
Mondatelemzés kvíz 7. osztály
Mondatelemzés kvíz 7. osztály Questionário
Az ok- és célhatározó
Az ok- és célhatározó Classificação em grupos
A határozók kifejezőeszközei
A határozók kifejezőeszközei Classificação em grupos
A görög templom
A görög templom Imagem com legenda
Rajzolj! 1848.
Rajzolj! 1848. Roleta aleatória
A -val/-vel rag hasonulása
A -val/-vel rag hasonulása Classificação em grupos
Ének 2.o.
Ének 2.o. Roleta aleatória
Gemischte Adjektivdeklination
Gemischte Adjektivdeklination Questionário
Memóriajáték szinonimákkal
Memóriajáték szinonimákkal Combine os pares
A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desembaralhe
Alany-állítmány-tárgy Questionário
Bécsi klasszicizmus- 6. osztály
Bécsi klasszicizmus- 6. osztály Acerte as toupeiras
Hangnemek 3#-3b-ig
Hangnemek 3#-3b-ig Associação
Ritmus párosító
Ritmus párosító Encontre a combinação
Viszonyszók Classificação em grupos
Ritmuscsoportosító Classificação em grupos
Munkácsy Mihály művei
Munkácsy Mihály művei Associação
Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum
Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum Cartas aleatórias
Going to (speaking practice)
Going to (speaking practice) Cartas aleatórias
Past Simple_Irregular verbs
Past Simple_Irregular verbs Cartas aleatórias
What did they do yesterday?
What did they do yesterday? Cartas aleatórias
Háry - ki kicsoda...
Háry - ki kicsoda... Associação
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Desembaralhe
Ordering a food.
Ordering a food. Ordem de classificação
Put the words in order to make sentences.
Put the words in order to make sentences. Desembaralhe
Famous Hungarian Christmas food
Famous Hungarian Christmas food Encontre a combinação
Make sentences.
Make sentences. Desembaralhe
How much do you know about Xmas?
How much do you know about Xmas? Game show de TV
Match the pictures with the categories.
Match the pictures with the categories. Classificação em grupos
OVIS (Párkereső)
OVIS (Párkereső) Avião
Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences.
Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences. Palavras magnéticas
Hangsorok Questionário
Ask questions. Use was or were.
Ask questions. Use was or were. Cartas aleatórias
Match the pictures with the words.
Match the pictures with the words. Encontre a combinação
Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures.
Make Present Simple sentences about the pictures. Cartas aleatórias
Guess the family members.
Guess the family members. Roleta aleatória
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Classificação em grupos
What clothes are they wearing?
What clothes are they wearing? Anagrama
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence.
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence. Associação
Make a Past Simple sentence.
Make a Past Simple sentence. Cartas aleatórias
Food riddle
Food riddle Flashcards
First Conditional - sentences
First Conditional - sentences Complete a frase
Comparative adjectives
Comparative adjectives Classificação em grupos
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter?
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter? Questionário
Unscrambe the daily routines.
Unscrambe the daily routines. Anagrama
Verben mit Präpositionen
Verben mit Präpositionen Questionário
Make true statements in Present Continuous.
Make true statements in Present Continuous. Cartas aleatórias
Answer the questions. (Past Simple)
Answer the questions. (Past Simple) Cartas aleatórias
Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions.
Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions. Desembaralhe
A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desembaralhe
Find 10 Past Simple verbs.
Find 10 Past Simple verbs. Caça-palavras
Húsvét Questionário
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