
8. osztály

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Szólások, közmondások 8. osztály
Szólások, közmondások 8. osztály Questionário
Gesztusok és jelentéseik
Gesztusok és jelentéseik Questionário
FELVÉTELI 8. Szólás/közmondás - hiányzó szavak/betűk
FELVÉTELI 8. Szólás/közmondás - hiányzó szavak/betűk Cartas aleatórias
Szólások, közmondások 5.
Szólások, közmondások 5. Associação
Memóriajáték szinonimákkal
Memóriajáték szinonimákkal Combine os pares
A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A cápa (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desembaralhe
Szólások, közmondások 6.
Szólások, közmondások 6. Questionário
Tout, Toute, tous, toute
Tout, Toute, tous, toute Questionário
Famous Hungarian Christmas food
Famous Hungarian Christmas food Encontre a combinação
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Desembaralhe
Ordering a food.
Ordering a food. Ordem de classificação
Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences.
Make questions, negative and affirmative sentences. Palavras magnéticas
Make a Past Simple sentence.
Make a Past Simple sentence. Cartas aleatórias
First Conditional - sentences
First Conditional - sentences Complete a frase
Comparative adjectives
Comparative adjectives Classificação em grupos
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter?
Easter Quiz: How much do you know about Easter? Questionário
Verben mit Präpositionen
Verben mit Präpositionen Questionário
Holiday questions
Holiday questions Cartas aleatórias
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence.
Choose the correct WH-question word in each sentence. Associação
Present Perfect or Past Simple?
Present Perfect or Past Simple? Classificação em grupos
What clothes are they wearing?
What clothes are they wearing? Anagrama
Answer the questions. (Present Perfect)
Answer the questions. (Present Perfect) Cartas aleatórias
Place the regular or irregular verbs in the correct groups!
Place the regular or irregular verbs in the correct groups! Classificação em grupos
Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum
Beantworte die Fragen! ... als Kind... Modalverben Präteritum Cartas aleatórias
What did they do yesterday?
What did they do yesterday? Cartas aleatórias
Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions.
Put the words in order to form Past Simple questions. Desembaralhe
A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!)
A tigris (Gondolkodj és írj!) Desembaralhe
Answer the questions. (Past Simple)
Answer the questions. (Past Simple) Cartas aleatórias
Húsvét Questionário
digestive system
digestive system Imagem com legenda
Európa tájai
Európa tájai Imagem com legenda
Present Continuous/Present Simple
Present Continuous/Present Simple Classificação em grupos
Umweltschutz Classificação em grupos
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Questionário
Answer my questions.
Answer my questions. Roleta aleatória
Was/were Classificação em grupos
Put the words in order to make questions.
Put the words in order to make questions. Desembaralhe
Ask questions. Use was or were.
Ask questions. Use was or were. Cartas aleatórias
Put the verbs into the correct categories.
Put the verbs into the correct categories. Classificação em grupos
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Questionário
Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs.
Put the letters in order to form Past Simple verbs. Anagrama
Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat!
Párosítsd össze az ének szólamokat! Encontre a combinação
Had to, didn't have to, could, couldn't
Had to, didn't have to, could, couldn't Questionário
Respiratory system
Respiratory system Imagem com legenda
Healthy-Unhealthy Food
Healthy-Unhealthy Food Classificação em grupos
Reported speech
Reported speech Questionário
Defining relative clauses unscramble
Defining relative clauses unscramble Associação
Rapid randi kérdések osztályfőnöki órára
Rapid randi kérdések osztályfőnöki órára Roleta aleatória
Tongue twisters
Tongue twisters Roleta aleatória
Essen und Trinken
Essen und Trinken Classificação em grupos
Alárendelő szóösszetétel
Alárendelő szóösszetétel Classificação em grupos
Figyelem Questionário
Farsangi szokások
Farsangi szokások Palavras cruzadas
Put the daily routines into the categories.
Put the daily routines into the categories. Classificação em grupos
Finalsatz: um + zu + Infinitiv
Finalsatz: um + zu + Infinitiv Cartas aleatórias
Osztályfőnöki óra - beszélgetés
Osztályfőnöki óra - beszélgetés Roleta aleatória
Szólás, közmondás - NÉPNEVEK és SZÍNEK
Szólás, közmondás - NÉPNEVEK és SZÍNEK Complete a frase
Mellérendelő összetett mondatok
Mellérendelő összetett mondatok Questionário
Restaurar arquivo salvo automaticamente: ?