
Английский язык

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The Present Simple
The Present Simple Verdadeiro ou falso
Wh-questions Questionário
Present Simple/Present Continuous
Present Simple/Present Continuous Abra a caixa
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Questionário
was/were Classificação em grupos
The verb 'to be'
The verb 'to be' Complete a frase
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Questionário
a/an or some?
a/an or some? Questionário
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Desembaralhe
Present Simple, Present Continuous & Past Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous & Past Simple Questionário
The Present Continuous Tense
The Present Continuous Tense Desembaralhe
The Present Continuous
The Present Continuous Questionário
The Past Simple Tense
The Past Simple Tense Desembaralhe
Wh-questions Classificação em grupos
Present Simple
Present Simple Questionário
Prepositions of time - IN, ON, AT
Prepositions of time - IN, ON, AT Complete a frase
GG2 countries and nationalities
GG2 countries and nationalities Classificação em grupos
 In, On, Under for preschool (with sounds)
In, On, Under for preschool (with sounds) Questionário
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Questionário
Solutions Elm 4A food
Solutions Elm 4A food Associação
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Flashcards
Magic Library Personal Pronouns
Magic Library Personal Pronouns Avião
Halloween - prepositions of place
Halloween - prepositions of place Imagem com legenda
English file beginner to be questions to answer
English file beginner to be questions to answer Roleta aleatória
GG1 Get started! Hello!
GG1 Get started! Hello! Associação
Tell something about yourself
Tell something about yourself Abra a caixa
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Questionário
What's this? GG1 0.3 In the Classroom
What's this? GG1 0.3 In the Classroom Questionário
family (anagram)
family (anagram) Anagrama
3 grade module 3 daily routine
3 grade module 3 daily routine Anagrama
Who/Which/That Complete a frase
AS2 Unit 4: 3rd Person Present Simple
AS2 Unit 4: 3rd Person Present Simple Questionário
Seasons and months
Seasons and months Classificação em grupos
Countries Verdadeiro ou falso
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives Questionário
Numbers from 11 to 20
Numbers from 11 to 20 Caça-palavras
Colours Anagrama
Past Simple (affirmative)
Past Simple (affirmative) Complete a frase
To be GG1
To be GG1 Complete a frase
Irregular verbs 2
Irregular verbs 2 Encontre a combinação
Have got / has got / haven't got / hasn't got
Have got / has got / haven't got / hasn't got Questionário
IELTS  Shares
IELTS Shares Imagem com legenda
FF2 | UNIT 10
FF2 | UNIT 10 Associação
GG3 1.5 personality adjectives
GG3 1.5 personality adjectives Associação
GG3 4.4 Communication
GG3 4.4 Communication Roleta aleatória
GG 3 5.4 giving advice
GG 3 5.4 giving advice Cartas aleatórias
Complete the sentences with to be
Complete the sentences with to be Questionário
Go Getter 1 (Unit 2 Lesson 2.1 Clothes)
Go Getter 1 (Unit 2 Lesson 2.1 Clothes) Imagem com legenda
AS2 Unit 5.3 Present Continuous
AS2 Unit 5.3 Present Continuous Questionário
FF1_ module 1
FF1_ module 1 Questionário
GG1 0.3 In the Classroom
GG1 0.3 In the Classroom Associação
5a He loves jelly
5a He loves jelly Encontre a combinação
Gateway B1+ Pure science Vocabulary
Gateway B1+ Pure science Vocabulary Associação
-ED/-ING adjectives
-ED/-ING adjectives Cartas aleatórias
am / is / are + not
am / is / are + not Questionário
Who? vs What?
Who? vs What? Verdadeiro ou falso
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) Units 1, 2 (school things, toys + extra words)
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) Units 1, 2 (school things, toys + extra words) Abra a caixa
Halloween Questionário
Clothes Starlight 3
Clothes Starlight 3 Jogo da forca
WW4 8.2 Ability (grammar)
WW4 8.2 Ability (grammar) Imagem com legenda
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