
7-й класс

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prepare 3 unit 11
prepare 3 unit 11 Encontre a combinação
Participle 1 and 2
Participle 1 and 2 Questionário
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence) Questionário
Solutions pre-int unit 1
Solutions pre-int unit 1 Questionário
Present Passive (Questions & Answers)
Present Passive (Questions & Answers) Flashcards
Н и НН в полных причастиях и отглагольных прилагательных
Н и НН в полных причастиях и отглагольных прилагательных Classificação em grupos
Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs
Starlight 7 Module 3 _ Phrasal Verbs Complete a frase
ВПР- 7 (6)
ВПР- 7 (6) Complete a frase
Rainbow English-7. Unit 4. p.6 Irregular verbs
Rainbow English-7. Unit 4. p.6 Irregular verbs Associação
Суффиксы причастий. Задание 1
Суффиксы причастий. Задание 1 Questionário
Найди деепричастия
Найди деепричастия Acerte as toupeiras
Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Perfect (Round-Up 4)
Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Perfect (Round-Up 4) Associação
Zero, First or Second Conditional
Zero, First or Second Conditional Classificação em grupos
Правописание предлогов
Правописание предлогов Complete a frase
Pronouns Complete a frase
das perfekte Kasino
das perfekte Kasino Abra a caixa
НЕ с наречиями
НЕ с наречиями Classificação em grupos
Starlight 7_ Wild places
Starlight 7_ Wild places Associação
 ВПР 7 English V 4
ВПР 7 English V 4 Complete a frase
Действительные и страдательные причастия
Действительные и страдательные причастия Classificação em grupos
Слитное и раздельное написание наречий (часть 1)
Слитное и раздельное написание наречий (часть 1) Flashcards
 ВПР лексика
ВПР лексика Classificação em grupos
Причастия и деепричастия
Причастия и деепричастия Acerte as toupeiras
Mixed Tenses (Pr/Past/F Simple, Pr/Past Cont, Pr/Past Perfect)
Mixed Tenses (Pr/Past/F Simple, Pr/Past Cont, Pr/Past Perfect) Flashcards
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно Classificação em grupos
Srarlight 6  verbs + Gerund   -ing
Srarlight 6 verbs + Gerund -ing Anagrama
Starlight 7 module 4b Illnesses
Starlight 7 module 4b Illnesses Associação
Суффиксы причастий
Суффиксы причастий Classificação em grupos
PRESENT PERFECT (just, already, yet, before, never, ever) 7Sp
PRESENT PERFECT (just, already, yet, before, never, ever) 7Sp Questionário
ВПР_Speaking_Clothes 2
ВПР_Speaking_Clothes 2 Questionário
Правописание суффиксов деепричастий
Правописание суффиксов деепричастий Questionário
О и Ё после шипящих
О и Ё после шипящих Imagem com legenda
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно Verdadeiro ou falso
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Questionário ganhe ou perca
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards)
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards) Cartas aleatórias
Деепричастие Verdadeiro ou falso
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency
EO4_unit 2_present perfect vs past simple_adverbs of frequency Classificação em grupos
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up"
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up" Encontre a combinação
Focus 1 At Home rooms, furniture
Focus 1 At Home rooms, furniture Imagem com legenda
Ecology Encontre a combinação
Тире между подлежащим и сказуемым
Тире между подлежащим и сказуемым Verdadeiro ou falso
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes Jogo da forca
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary Associação
Причастный и деепричастный обороты
Причастный и деепричастный обороты Verdadeiro ou falso
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2)
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2) Associação
Solution pre-intermediate unit 1
Solution pre-intermediate unit 1 Questionário
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional Questionário
Go Getter 3 2.6
Go Getter 3 2.6 Complete a frase
Н и НН в прилагательных
Н и НН в прилагательных Questionário
Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions
Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions Cartas aleatórias
Own It 2 Unit 1
Own It 2 Unit 1 Combine os pares
Правописание предлогов и омонимичных частей речи
Правописание предлогов и омонимичных частей речи Complete a frase
Think 1 Like + -ing
Think 1 Like + -ing Roleta aleatória
Group the pictures
Group the pictures Classificação em grupos
Own It 2 Starter
Own It 2 Starter Cartas aleatórias
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Abra a caixa
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