
8-й класс

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Module 4b (Spotlight 8) "Clothes and Styles"
Module 4b (Spotlight 8) "Clothes and Styles" Associação
May, might, will
May, might, will Questionário
say & tell
say & tell Questionário
Spotlight 8, Module 1: word formation
Spotlight 8, Module 1: word formation Classificação em grupos
Present Perfect/Past Simple
Present Perfect/Past Simple Classificação em grupos
Participle 1 and 2
Participle 1 and 2 Questionário
Prepare 5 unit 1 vocabulary review
Prepare 5 unit 1 vocabulary review Complete a frase
Present Passive (Questions & Answers)
Present Passive (Questions & Answers) Flashcards
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence)
Gateway to the World B1 / Unit 1 (Word formation quiz: -ment, -ion, -ence) Questionário
WW4 1.1 emotions
WW4 1.1 emotions Encontre a combinação
Solutions pre-int unit 1
Solutions pre-int unit 1 Questionário
Пример письма_ОГЭ
Пример письма_ОГЭ Imagem com legenda
Функция, ОГЭ, 11 задание
Функция, ОГЭ, 11 задание Encontre a combinação
Compare two pictures
Compare two pictures Classificação em grupos
О и Ё после шипящих
О и Ё после шипящих Imagem com legenda
a / the / no article a2-b1
a / the / no article a2-b1 Questionário
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1
Unreal conditionals (Unreal present) If + V2, would + V1 Cartas aleatórias
ССП, СПП, БСП: разминка
ССП, СПП, БСП: разминка Questionário
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes
Gateway A1+. Unit 6. Vocabulary: Clothes Jogo da forca
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards)
Would you rather ...? (very funnny cards) Cartas aleatórias
Причастный и деепричастный обороты
Причастный и деепричастный обороты Verdadeiro ou falso
Ecology Encontre a combinação
Площади  фигур
Площади фигур Associação
Gateway B1. Unit 2. Vocabulary: detective work
Gateway B1. Unit 2. Vocabulary: detective work Flashcards
Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions
Wider World 3 Un5.4 1st Condit Questions Cartas aleatórias
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Questionário ganhe ou perca
Focus 2 Unit 3.1 the Arts
Focus 2 Unit 3.1 the Arts Classificação em grupos
Prepositions IN ON AT 2
Prepositions IN ON AT 2 Game show de TV
Правописание НЕ с различными частями речи
Правописание НЕ с различными частями речи Questionário
Spotlight 8 Module 1a
Spotlight 8 Module 1a Associação
Spotlight 8 Module 1a
Spotlight 8 Module 1a Questionário
Деепричастие Verdadeiro ou falso
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно Classificação em grupos
What will you do if
What will you do if Cartas aleatórias
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary
Gateway B1 unit 8 vocabulary Associação
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional
Wider World 3 Unit 5.4 First Conditional Questionário
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2)
Present Perfect Continuous VS Present Perfect (part 2) Associação
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно
НЕ с причастиями: слитно или раздельно Verdadeiro ou falso
Present Times. Verb forms
Present Times. Verb forms Classificação em grupos
Грамматическая основа предложения
Грамматическая основа предложения Questionário
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up"
5.3 Phrasal verbs with "up" Encontre a combinação
Rainbow English 8 Unit 1 Step 1
Rainbow English 8 Unit 1 Step 1 Associação
Solutions Pre-Intermediate unit 2B Past Simple, was/were
Solutions Pre-Intermediate unit 2B Past Simple, was/were Questionário
Виды односоставных предложений
Виды односоставных предложений Classificação em grupos
Past Times. Verb forms
Past Times. Verb forms Classificação em grupos
Типы связи в словосочетании
Типы связи в словосочетании Questionário
Типы сказуемых
Типы сказуемых Questionário
Правильно ли написано это слово?
Правильно ли написано это слово? Verdadeiro ou falso
Типы сказуемых
Типы сказуемых Classificação em grupos
Виды сказуемых
Виды сказуемых Questionário
Passive voice
Passive voice Questionário
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Questionário
GG3 5.4
GG3 5.4 Complete a frase
Gateway A2 unit 6
Gateway A2 unit 6 Anagrama
solutions elementary 3rd unit 7A
solutions elementary 3rd unit 7A Cartas aleatórias
Ы-И после приставок
Ы-И после приставок Verdadeiro ou falso
Gateway B2 Unit 2 Vocabulary
Gateway B2 Unit 2 Vocabulary Associação
Infinitive VS Gerund
Infinitive VS Gerund Questionário
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