1) Phosphodiesterase is important because it a) Makes calcium b) Hydrolyzes cAMP c) Hydrolyzes DAG d) Makes receptor proteins 2) Cortisol release from the adrenal glands traveling through the blood is an example of which hormone mechanism? a) Autocrine b) Paracrine c) Telecrine d) Carrier 3) Which of the following is not a domain for steroid receptors? a) Translation regulation b) DNA binding c) Ligand binding d) Transcription regulation 4) Hydrophobic molecules can easily permeate the plasma membrane a) True b) False 5) What activates protein kinase A? a) ATP b) Adenylate cyclase c) Ca2+ d) IP3 e) cAMP 6) Which receptor allows for a response of an altered cytoskeleton? a) GCPR-alpha subunit b) GCPR-beta/gamma subunit c) Integrins d) Receptor enzyme 7) Target cells with small amounts of receptors will most likely a) Downregulate b) Reach saturation c) Undergo mitosis d) Upregulate 8) Which is true regarding thyroid hormone receptors? a) RXR and TR heterodimer receptors b) RXR and TR homodimer receptors c) RXR and TR steroid receptors d) RXR and TR alpha receptors 9) What can be released from intracellular stores of the endoplasmic reticulum? a) ATP b) Ca2+ c) Protein kinase d) cAMP 10) Which is not an example of a cellular plasma membrane receptor ligand? a) Peptide hormone b) Neurotransmitter c) MHC d) Protein kinase A e) IP3 11) In thyroid responses, TBG acts as which of the following a) Carrier b) Ligand c) 2nd messenger d) Enzyme 12) Steroid receptors will form a) Heterodimer b) cAMP c) Homodimer d) 2nd messengers 13) What is the function of protein kinase? a) Activates cAMP b) Adds a phosphate group c) Removes a phosphate group d) Releases stores of Ca2+ 14) Which receptor alters membrane permeability first? a) Integrins b) GCPRs c) Ion channels d) Steroid receptors 15) What 2nd messenger releases calcium from intracellular stores? a) cAMP b) DAG c) PKC d) IP3 16) Antagonists activate receptors to initiate a response a) True b) False 17) How do our bodies prevent downregulation? a) Denaturing amplifier enzymes b) Pulsatile secretion c) Saturation d) Our bodies don’t prevent it 18) ________ uses different signals to control a set point a) GCPRs b) Paracrine receptors c) Tonic control d) Antagonistic control 19) What is ATP converted into in the alpha subunit pathway of GCPRs a) cAMP and DAG b) IP3 and cAMP c) IP3 and DAG d) cAMP and 2 Pi 20) Which is considered an off-switch for GPCRs? a) PKC b) Phosphatase c) Phosphodiesterase d) cAMP 21) Why is cAMP able to remove the inhibitory subunit of protein kinase A? a) It has a higher affinity for it b) It has a lower affinity for it c) Specificity for protein kinase A d) Specificity for the inhibitory subunit 22) Phospholipase C acts as what? a) 2nd messenger b) Amplifier enzyme c) Control enzyme d) Ligand 23) What is the 2nd messenger that activates PKC? a) cGMP b) cAMP c) Adenylate cyclase d) DAG 24) _______ uses the same ligand at different intensities. a) Tonic control b) Antagonistic control c) GCPRs d) Steroid receptors 25) What molecules allow for a larger response? a) 2nd messengers b) Ligands c) Amplifier enzymes d) Upregulators 26) Which is not an example of local cellular communication? a) Gap junctions b) Contact-dependent signals c) Paracrine hormones d) Telecrine hormones 27) Which is not an action of GCPRs a) Open ion channels b) Alter enzyme activity c) Use subunits to bind 2nd messengers d) None of the above 28) A physiological dose is larger than a pharmacological dose. a) True b) False 29) Which do second messengers do first? a) Alter enzyme activity b) Open ion channels c) Upregulate ligands d) Increase intracellular Ca2+ 30) Which pertains to the action of tyrosine kinase? a) Phosphorylate proteins b) Dephosphorylate proteins c) Act as an off switch d) None of the above


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