1) Which is adab before sleep? a) Sing a song b) Brush teeth c) Play gym d) Watching youtube 2) What should we do after wake up from sleep? a) Dancing b) Eating c) Say Alhamdulillah and recite doa wake up from sleep d) Play trampoline 3) Which of the following we need to do before sleep? a) Dust off mattress b) Recite 3 verse from Al Quran c) Recite doa before sleeping d) All above 4) What is adab after sleep? a) Brush teeth b) Eat candy c) Tidy up the bed d) Scrabble the wall 5) What is sunnah Rasulullah during sleep? a) Eating chewing gum b) Walking while sleeping c) Singing d) Sleep on the right side with hand under cheek

Adab of Sleeping


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