1) Are there litter laws where you live? If so, what is the penalty for littering? 2) Do you think cars should be banned from city centres? 3) Do you think there are lessons to learn from nature? 4) How has the world changed since you were a child? (technology, values, environment, health) 5) If humans are really intelligent and not simply manipulated by their genes like any other animal, why can't they do anything about overpopulation? 6) What are some things that can and cannot be recycled? why? 7) What are some things that your community is doing to help the? 8) What are some things which YOU recycle? 9) What are some types of pollution? 10) What are some ways that you can reduce pollution in this country? 11) What can you do to help prevent pollution? 12) What can you do to make this world a better place? 13) What do you think of people who smoke (e)-cigarettes indoors? 14) Which is more important, increasing people's standard of living, or protecting the environment? 15) Are you environmentally friendly? why? why not? 16) Do you think our environment is beyond repair? 17) Do you think international meetings on the environment are useful? 18) What do you think our grandkids will think of the way we treated the environment? 19) What is your image of an environmentalist? 20) If the environment could speak, what would it tell us? 21) What is our duty as custodians of the environment? 22) Do you worry about the environment? 23) What stories have you read or heard recently about the environment? 24) What are the biggest problems facing our environment? 25) What would you do to save our environment? 26) What danger does your country pose to the global environment? 27) Do you think Polish government cares more about its economy or the environment? 28) Which countries are leaders in caring about the environment? 29) What do you know about the history of how our environment came to be under threat? 30) Would you give money to or actively campaign for environmental causes? 31) What do you think of environmental groups like Greenpeace and organisations like WWF? 32) Do you think nuclear power safe? Who should be allowed it and why? 33) In what ways can we save more water? 34) What should we do to increase awareness about environmental issues? 35) Should we follow 'GREEN POLITICS' in Europe? why/ why not?


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