Long-Term Effects of the Columbian Exchange: Horses, cattle, pig, sheep - horses were used for traveling and other animals for food and skins, Iron-edged tools, plow - technology made farming easier, Trading of goods increased, Mass migration/move of people from Europe to the Americas, Cultural Diffusion - spread of new ideas and products all over the world, Short-Term Effects of the Columbian Exchange: Gold and silver created wealth for Europeans and made many want to explore North America, Diseases such as small pox, influenza, whooping cough, malaria - killed 90% of the Native American, European colonies were established in the Americas, Cash crops such as tobacco and sugar cane, were grown on plantations, mainly using slave labor, Corn and Potatoes from the New World - changed diet; kept people from starvation and provided food (corn) for livestock,

The Columbian Exchange Card Sort: The Long-term vs. Short-Term Effects Edition


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