current electricity - the continuous flow of charge in a complete circuit, direct current - an electric current that flows in one direction steadily, alternating current - an electric current that changes direction at regular intervals, voltage source (battery) - a device that creates a potential difference in an electric circuit, conservation of charge - The law that states that charges are neither created nor destroyed but only transferred from one material to another., Ohm's Law - The relationship of voltage, current, and resistance V=IR, circuit - the continuous path for electrons to flow from the power source through the electrical components back to the power source., ohm - unit of electrical resistance, switch - A device for making, breaking, or changing the connections in an electrical circuit., series circuit - An electric circuit with a single path, parallel circuit - An electric circuit with multiple paths, resistance - A material's opposition to the flow of electric current., resistor - An electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current, fuse - A safety device with a thin metal strip that will melt if too much current passes through a circuit, circuit breaker - a switch that opens a circuit automatically when the current exceeds a certain value, current - A flow of electric charge, ground wire - connects circuits in the home to the earth, giving charges alternate path in case of a short circuit, short circuit - A connection that allows current to take an unintended path., electron - A subatomic particle that has a negative charge, insulator - A material that does not allow heat or electrons to move through it easily., conductor - A material that allows heat and electricity to pass through it., volt - The unit of potential difference symbolized as V, ampere - unit of electric current,


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