1) I like it when the teacher speaks _______. a) slow b) quick c) slowly d) quickly 2) It's ________ for me to remember new English words. a) easy b) hard c) easily d) hardly 3) I think I speak English ____________. a) good b) bad c) well d) badly e) not well enough f) not good enough 4) When I have lunch or dinner, I usually eat ________. a) fast b) slow c) fastly d) slowly 5) I've got a ______________ memory. a) good b) bad c) well d) badly e) not well enough 6) I think I usually eat ____________. a) healthily b) unhealthily c) healthy d) unhealthy 7) I can't study when it's _________. a) quiet b) noisy c) quietly d) noisily 8) I usually go to bed ___________. a) early b) late c) lately 9) I never get to work__________. a) early b) late c) lately d) quickly

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