1) I'm interested in a) cooking. b) music. c) skateboarding. 2) I'm not interested in a) video games. b) shopping. c) cycling. 3) I'm into a) films and watching TV. b) shopping and cycling. c) photography and sport. 4) I'm not into a) chatting online. b) meeting friends. c) reading 5) I like a) art and watching TV. b) shopping and meeting friends. c) reading and cooking. 6) I don't like a) chatting online. b) skateboarding. c) animals. 7) I'm good at a) sports. b) music. c) skateboarding. 8) I'm not good at a) video games. b) cycling. c) art 9) My favourite animals are a) narwhals. b) dogs. c) sloths. 

Year 5 Starter Unit Page 4 (Hobbies)


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