Anaesthetics: Sir Humphry Davey was the first to use laughing gas, Inhaling laughing gas to put someone to sleep for an operation, High amounts could kill, low doses meant people woke up during surgery, Chloroform, James Simpson used this to reduce pain in childbirth, Queen Victoria used this making it popular, Local- numbs an area, General- puts you to sleep, Antiseptics: Joseph Lister sprayed wounds with carbolic acid, Used when cleaning a wound, Reduced patients getting gangrene, Used in cleaning hospitals, Sterilising medical equipment , Aseptics: A sterile working environment for operating, Having a completely sterile environment reduced death rates, Surgery became dramatically safer, Protective clothing was used, E.g. surgical gloves and gowns, Antibiotics: Alexander Fleming, Penicillin, Found by accident!, Noticed bacteria didn't grow near the penicillin, Florey and chain won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in this field, Florey and Chain worked out how to mass produce it ,


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