1) What is the function of the Pancreas? 2) Name one example of a tooth and how it breaks down food. 3) List the 5 stages of Human Digestion 4) Name one example of a tooth and how it breaks down food. 5) Name one type of digestion and give an example of where it occurs 6) Define the term Digestion 7) Name one example of a tooth and how it breaks down food. 8) Name the process that helps move food down the Oesophagus and the digestive tract 9) Name one example of a tooth and how it breaks down food. 10) Where does 90% of digestion occur 11) What is the first part of the small intestine called 12) What is the function of the stomach 13) What is diffusion 14) What are the name of the biological catalysts that help break down food in chemical digestion 15) Name the enzyme in Saliva 16) Hydrochloric Acid is found in the stomach - True or False 17) How are villi adapted to carry out their job 18) The small intestine is covered in villi - true or false 19) What is the function of the liver 20) What is the function of the large intestine 21) Waste is excreted in the rectum -true or false 22) What occurs when too much water is reabsorbed in the large intestine 23) What is a catalyst 24) What is the function of the epiglottis 25) What is label 6 26) What is label 3 27) What is label 1 28) What is label 2 29) What is label 4 30) What is label 5 31) What is label 7 32) What is label 8 33) What is label 10

Digestive System


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