Social Justice - Protecting people's human rights, Human Rights - These were created after WW2 to protect people, Religious Freedom - The ability to believe what you want, Prejudice  - Judging someone before you know them- the thought, Discrimination - Treating someone unfairly before you know them- the action, Homosexuality - Same sex relationships , Heterosexuality  - Different sex relationships, Homophobia - Discrimination towards same sex relationships , Racism - Discrimination towards someone because of their skin colour, or race, Sexism - Discrimination towards someone because of their gender, Gender Equality - The belief that someone should be given the same rights and responsibility regardless of gender, Martin Luther King - The name of the Christian who fought racism in the 1950s, Wealth - How much money someone has, Exploitation  - Mistreating people to benefit from their services, or money, The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats - THe name of the parable which teaches Christians that those who look after and care of others will be rewarded in heaven, Charity - Giving money to the poor ,


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