1) When we went out, it ... . a) rains b) rained c) was raining 2) I wasn't hungry last night. I ... anything. a) wasn't eating b) didn't eat c) was eating 3) ... television when I phohed you? a) Were you watching b) Did you watch c) You were watching 4) Jane wasn't at home when I went to see her. She ... . a) worked b) didn't work c) was working 5) I ... up early this morning. I ... , dressed and then I ... breakfast. a) was getting/washed/had b) got/washed/had c) geted/washed/had 6) The postman ... while I ... breakfast. a) came/was having b) came/had c) was coming/was having 7) We ... Joan at the party. She ... a red dress. a) met/wore b) was meeting/wore c) met/was wearing 8) The boys ... the window when they were playing football. a) were breaking b) broke c) breaked 9) Our cat Thomas ... all day yesterday. a) slept b) were sleeping c) was sleeping 10) I ... to work when you called. a) was driving b) drove c) drived 11) The sun was shining, so I ... to work. a) was going b) were going c) went 12) What ... on Sunday evening? – I went to the cinema. a) did you do b) were you going c) you did 13) What ... at 9.30 on Saturday evening? a) did you do b) were you doing c) you did 14) Kate was reading a book while her mother ... dinner. a) was cooking b) cooked c) were cooking 15) They ... the movie for 2 hours last week. a) were watching b) watched c) was watching

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