1) analytic/reflective a) Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions b) Touching objects with your eyes closed to describe them c) Solving problems with others d) Looking at sentences containing the second conditional, and working out how to form this tense 2) kinaesthetic a) Touching objects with your eyes closed to describe them b) Solving problems with others c) Looking at sentences containing the second conditional, and working out how to form this tense d) Listening to songs and stories 3) group a) Solving problems with others b) Looking at sentences containing the second conditional, and working out how to form this tense c) Listening to songs and stories d) Asking learners to decide on their own homework 4) analytic a) Looking at sentences containing the second conditional, and working out how to form this tense b) Listening to songs and stories c) Asking learners to decide on their own homework d) Asking learners to brainstorm answers in one minute 5) autonomous a) Asking learners to decide on their own homework b) Asking learners to brainstorm answers in one minute c) Doing a role-play activity d) Asking learners to imagine a scene and describe it to you 6) impulsive a) Asking learners to brainstorm answers in one minute b) Doing a role-play activity c) Asking learners to imagine a scene and describe it to you d) Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions 7) kinaesthetic/grouplimpulsive a) Doing a role-play activity b) Asking learners to imagine a scene and describe it to you c) Asking learners to label a picture d) Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions 8) visual a) Asking learners to imagine a scene and describe it to you b) Asking learners to label a picture c) Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions d) Touching objects with your eyes closed to describe them 9) visual/reflective a) Asking learners to label a picture b) Giving learners lots of thinking time to answer questions c) Touching objects with your eyes closed to describe them d) Solving problems with others

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