1) If it is a sunny day tomorrow, a) we go to the park. b) we don´t go to the park. c) we would go to the park. d) we will go to the park. 2) If she doesn´t hurry, a) she will get the bus. b) she won´t get the bus. c) she would get the bus. d) she would have got the bus. 3) I wouldn't go to school by bus if a) I had a driving licence. b) I would have a driving licence. c) I have a driving licence. d) I had had a driving licence. 4) If we had watched the TV a) we would heard the news. b) we would have heard the news. c) we heard the news d) we had heard the news. 5) She would have got better marks a) if she asks for my help. b) if she would have asked for my help. c) if she had asked for my help. d) if she asked for my help. 6) I would buy presents for everyone a) if I won the lottery. b) if I would win the lottery. c) if I would have won the lottery. d) if I win the lottery. 7) I would stay at home a) if I had a cold. b) if I have a cold. c) if I will have a cold. d) if I would have a cold. 8) I would learn how to speak Russian a) if I live in Russia. b) if I lived in Russia. c) if I had lived in Russia. d) if I would live in Russia. 9) If I fail my mid year exams, a) my mother would be angry with me. b) my mother would have been angry with me. c) my mother will be angry with me. d) my mother was angry with me. 10) If you'd told me you weren't hungry, a) I wouldn't have made any dinner. b) I would have made dinner. c) I will make dinner. d) I would make dinner. 11) If I hadn't gone to the wrong place first, a) I would have got to the restaurant late. b) I wouldn't have got to the restaurant late. c) I'll get to the restaurant late. 12) If I had known you were ill, a) I would have come to see you. b) I'll come to see you. c) I would see you. 13) We would have missed our flight a) if it hadn't been delayed . b) if it had been delayed. c) if it delays. 14) If I were rich, a) I would buy a big house. b) I'll buy a big house c) I would have bought a big house 15) If a saw a tiger, a) I would scream. b) I'll scream. c) I would have screamed. 16) If I owned a car, a) I won't walk to work. b) I'll walk to work c) I wouldn't walk to work 17) if it rains, a) the children goes to school. b) the children won't go c) the children would have gone to school. 18) If it doesn't rain soon, a) there will be a forest fire. b) there is a forest fire. c) there would have been a forest fire. 19) If a hurricane comes,  a) we will evacuate. b) we evacuate. c) we would evacuate. 20) If you freeze water a) it will turn into ice. b) it turns into ice. c) it would turn into ice.



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