1) That's the vase ... I broke. a) who b) which c) where 2) I saw a film... was interesting. a) that b) who c) whose 3) That's the apartment building ... Kate lives. a) who b) which c) where 4) Lisa is a girl ... father is a famous journalist. a) who b) which c) whose 5) I'll never forget the day ... I met my best friend. a) when b) where c) which 6) I spoke to a girl ... was from India. a) whose b) which c) that 7) My uncle bought a car ... was very expensive. a) who b) which c) whose 8) I have photos from the summer ... we were on holiday in Spain. a) when b) where c) which 9) Keith is the student ... short story won first prize. a) who b) whose c) that 10) This is the shop ... they sell old comic books. a) that b) where c) which


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