1) The Mayan civilization lived in an area that included... a) the Honduras b) Nicaragua c) North America d) the Yucatan Peninsula e) Panama 2) Where was Tikal located? a) El Salvador b) Northern Guatemala c) Northern Mexico d) Costa Rica e) Colombia 3) What Mayan city-state did Pacal the Great rule? a) Uxmal b) Tikal c) Palenque d) Chichén Itzá e) Oaxaca 4) Where was Pacal buried? a) Temple of Inscriptions b) the Palace c) Temple of the Cross d) Temple XIII e) Temple of the Jaguar 5) When was the Classic Period of Mayan civilization? a) AD 250 to 900 b) AD 300 to 400 c) AD 600 to 1000 6) What was used as currency in Mayan city-states? a) seashells b) salt c) gold d) cacao beans e) paper money 7) What did the economy of Mayan city-states rely on? a) raiding nearby villages b) fishing c) trade and agriculture d) shipping e) manufacturing 8) What is a cenote? a) a sinkhole lake b) an altar for offerings c) a temple d) a mountain e) a memo 9) The Mayans believed that time was... a) a distraction b) a burden carried by a certain god c) a religious practice d) a luxury e) an architectural style 10) How many days did the Mayan religious calendar have? a) 365 b) 366 c) 260 d) 700 e) Too many to count 11) Mayan calendars were used to identify the best times to... a) plant crops b) attack enemies c) crown a new ruler d) All of the above 12) Each Mayan glyph represented... a) a word or syllable b) a letter c) a symbol 13) What is a codex? a) a programming language b) a key c) a video game d) a book e) a magic spell 14) Mayan pyramids were typically topped with... a) gardens b) libraries c) temples d) markets and gathering places e) theaters 15) Why were Mayan ball courts important? a) They were artistic decoration. b) The Mayans believed ball games would help maintain sun and moon cycles.  c) They were a form of entertainment. d) The Mayans thought that ball courts were cultural icons. 16) How many Mayan glyphs are used to represent sounds? a) 200 b) 350 c) 5 d) 26 e) 10000 17) What kind of number system did the Mayans use? a) base-10 system b) base-5 system c) base-20 system d) Arabic numeral system e) Roman numerals 18) What symbols did the Mayans use to represent numbers? a) cross marks and hatches b) squiggly lines c) stars and hearts d) dots, bars, and shell shapes e) tick marks 19) Popol Vuh contained the Mayan version of the story of the creation. It also recorded the history and beliefs of what Mayan people group? a) the Aztecs b) the Incans c) the Quiché d) the Chavíns e) the Moche 20) Where did the Quiché people live? a) Guatemala b) Mexico c) Peru d) Andes Mountains e) North America 21) Who were the invaders who moved into the lands occupied by the Mayans? a) the Moshe b) the Toltec c) the Incans d) the Teotihuacán 22) Why did the the Mayan civilization decline? a) too many physical and human resources put into religious activities b) frequent warfare between city-states c) population growth and increased demand for land d) All of the above 23) What allowed Mayans to build a sense of loyalty to their rulers? a) religious beliefs and theocracy b) intensive agriculture c) frequent warfare d) independent city-states 24) Mayan ancestry can be traced back to the... a) Mexicans b) Aztecs c) Olmec d) the Chavíns e) the Zapotec 25) CHALLENGE: What is the Mayan word for jaguar? a) k'iin b) b'alam c) ch'up d) janäl e) ixch'up

13.5 Maya Kings and Cities


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