1) He ... to bed early every day. a) went b) goes c) will go 2) I ... a cake last week. a) made b) make c) will make 3) We ... to the shopping every weekend. a) went b) go c) will go 4) His brother ... bike tomorrow. a) rode b) ride c) will ride 5) Miss Brown ... to visit her friend last month. a) drove b) drive c) will drive 6) They ... to the sea next summer. a) went b) go c) will go 7) My sister ... a cap every summer. a) wore b) wears c) will wear 8) My family ... the film last night. a) saw b) see c) will see 9) When I was ten, I ... my arm. a) broke b) brake c) will break 10) I _________ pizza on Friday. a) ate b) eat c) will eat

Past, Present and Future Tenses


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