THEMES - The main ideas that the writer presents about life in general throughout the story. Eg: love, friendship,etc, RESOLUTION - The part of the story in which the problems are solved and the action comes to an end, CLIMAX - The highest point of tension in the story, EXPOSITION - The beginning of the story in which the characters are introduced, NARRATOR - The person or character that tells the story, MORAL - The lesson a story teaches, SYMBOL - Someone or something that represents a particular quality or idea, SETTING - The place and the time frame in which a story takes place, PLOT - The series of related events that happen and make up a story, RISING ACTION - The part of the story where we find out what problem the main character has, PROTAGONIST - The main/central character in a story, ANTAGONIST - The person or force that opposes the protagonist, FALLING ACTION - The action following the climax that leads the reader into the story's end, POINT OF VIEW - It refers to who is narrating the story and how it is told., CHARACTER - It is a person or an impersonated entity in a work of literature. There are main and secondary, according to their importance in the story,

Literature in English: Literary Elements


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