1) What is your favourite exercise? a) I like cycling b) I hate cycling c) I can ride a bike 2) "I like playing volleyball"  cevabının sorusu aşağıdakilerden hangisi olabilir? a) Which equipments do you need in volleyball? b) What is your favourite movie? c) Which sports do you like? 3) Which equipments do you need when you play tennis? a) 2 rackets and a small ball! b) 11 players c) 6 players and a big ball! 4) What are the rules to play football? a) We must hit the ball with our hands b) We must kick the ball with our feet c) We must hit the ball with rackets 5) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu cümle ile aynı anlamı taşır? "Shall we play football?" a) Let's play football! b) I'm interested in football. c) I'm bad at playing football. 6) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi bir teklif/öneri anlamı TAŞIMAZ? a) How about playing soccer? b) Let's go swimming! c) Which exercise do you love? 7) Aşağıdaki cümlelerden hangisi bir teklif/öneri anlamı TAŞIR? a) Do you like jogging? b) Let's go jogging c) I hate jogging 8) "_____swimming" boşluğa hangi kelime gelirse daha anlamlı olur? a) go b) do c) play 9) Aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde Tom arkadaşının teklifini kabul etmiştir? a) That's a good idea! b) I'm sorry, I can't c) No, thanks 10) Aşağıdaki şıklardan hangisinde Ahmet arkadaşının teklifini reddetmiştir? a) Great idea! b) OK! c) I'm sorry, but I can't. 11) Tom: ____________________ / Ahmet: No, I can't. I dislike it. (Ahmet'in cevabına göre Tom ne sormuş olabilir?) a) What is your favourite sports activity? b) Can you ride a horse? c) What is your name? 12) My favourite activity is_________.I think it is fun and exciting. a) ice-skating b) diving c) cycling 13) I like cycling but I ____________ice-skating. a) love b) don't like c) interested in 14) Can you ________a bike? a) play b) ride c) do 15) Tom: Would you like to go swimming? Ahmet: Yes, I_________swimming. a) hate b) don't like c) love 16) What is your favourite fitness activity? a) I like hiking b) I love diving c) I'm interested in snowboarding 17) Which sports do you like? a) Table tennis b) Handball c) Fishing 18) I love___________. It is my favourite activity. a) diving b) camping c) hiking


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