1) It’s been a long day, _____ ? a) has it b) hasn't it c) is it 2) There hasn’t been a phone call for me,_____? a) has it b) have there c) has there 3) Hardly anyone turned up to the meeting,__________? a) did they b) did he c) did it 4) He never takes responsibility for his actions, ____? a) isn't it b) do they c) does he 5) I’m going to be late, _____ ? a) am I not b) aren't I c) isn't it 6) Give me have a hand, ______ ? a) will you b) won't you c) do you 7) She should ask for help if she needs it,______? a) shouldn't she b) does she c) should we 8) We had great fun at the carnival,______ ? a) did they b) didn't they c) didn't we 9) Let’s meet up again next week,______ ? a) let's b) do we c) shall we 10) Don’t tell anybody what I said, _____? a) do you b) will you c) did you

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