What’s your surname? (family name), Where do you live?, Do you enjoy studying English? Why? Why not?, Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?, Have you got any brothers or sisters?, How do you get to school?, Tell me about your day at school/college, Tell me about your family, What are your hobbies?, What did you do yesterday / last weekend?, What do you study? What are your favorite subjects?, Describe your school, Which subjects are the most difficult?, What subjects are you good/bad at?, Do you have much homework?, What are you going to do in the future? , Do you have any plans for the future?, Where are you going to live? , Are you going to live in another country? Where? Why?, What do you usually have for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner? , Do you think shopping centres are interesting?, Do you think markets are cheap?, Do you think bus stations are dirty?, Do you think watching football matches on TV is intersting?, Do you think clothes shops are intersting?, Do you think parks are beautiful?, Do you prefer going to the same places in your town?, Do you think supermarkets are boring?, Do you think museums are boring?, Do you think running is boring?, Do you think cinemas are exciting?, Do you think watching action films on TV is exciting?, Do you think playing football is fun?, Do you prefer going to lots of diferent places?, Do you think playing tennis is exciting?, Do you think watching singing on TV is fun?, Do you think going on a school trip is exciting?, Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people, Which of holidays do you like best?, Do you think eating at fast food restaurants is healthy?, Do you think going to a restaurant with your family is fun?, Do you think watching the news on TV is sad?, Is it more fun to have holidays with family or with friends?, Do you think having a picnic in the park is cheap?, Do you think watching programmes about history on TV is boring?, Do you think cycling is dangerous?, Do you think eating at school is fun?, What's your favourite cafe or restaurant in this area?, Do you think lying on a beach is boring?, Do you ever feel tired after a holiday?, Do you think going to stay with family is cheap?, Do you think eating at home is boring?, Do you think department stores are useful?, How often do you and your family go to a cafe or restaurant?, Which of places to eat do you like best?, Do you think staying at a campside is fun?, How much time do you spend watching television on different days of the week?, Do you think having a holiday in the mountains is dificult?, Do you prefer to go shopping on your own or with someone else?, Which sports are more fun to watch on television?, How can sport help you make friends?Why?, Do you think playing basketball is interesting?, What is the best way to buy things cheaply?.

KET questions part 1 and 2


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