WELSH RAREBIT RECIPE: Ingredients: half an onion, one tomato, milk, 2 slices of bread, 50 g grated cheese, salt, pepper, Worcester sauce Instructions: ____ the cheese and onion and put them in ____ bowl. Add ____ milk, salt and pepper and some Worcester sauce. Then ____ it all together. Make some toast. Cover ____ toast with the cheese ____. ____ the toast with the cheese under the grill. ____ the tomato with a knife and put it on the top of the Welsh rarebit. ____ it on a plate. MUSHROOM OMELETTE: First, you need ____ mushrooms and ____ knife. ____ the mushrooms with ____ knife. Now put some oil in a frying ____ and ____ the mushrooms in the oil. Then ____ the mushrooms in the frying pan for five minutes.


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