1) Choose the correct color and number a) red one b) yellow one c) red five 2) Choose the correct color and number a) red six b) blue five c) yellow ten 3) Choose the correct color and number a) orange four b) red seven c) orange two 4) Choose the correct color and number a) purple three b) grey seven c) green seven 5) Choose the correct color and number a) orange two b) purple two c) yellow ten 6) Choose the correct color and number a) seven blue b) black three c) pink three 7) Choose the correct color and number a) black five b) white five c) black four 8) Choose the correct color and number a) red nine b) blue eight c) pink six 9) Choose the correct color and number a) black two b) green seven c) green six 10) Choose the correct color and number a) white nine b) white five c) white six

Colors and Numbers Plane


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