alien (n) - a creature from a different world, among (prep) - they are all around you, chart (n) - a list of information, cloud (n) - a group of water drops in the sky, describe (v) - to say or write what someone or something is like, ever (adv) - at any time, fail (v) - you do not succeed in what you try to do, grade (n) - a score or mark given to someone’s work, instead (adv) - in place of, library (n) - a place where you go to read books, photograph (n) - a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print, planet (n) - a large round thing in space, report (n) - something someone writes for school or work, several (adj) - more than two but not many, shape (n) - the arrangement of its sides and surfaces, solve (v) - to find an answer to it, suddenly (adv) - it happens quickly and unexpectedly, suppose (v) - to guess, understand (v) - you need to know what it means, view (v) - to look at something,


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