1) Q: ...? A: My family is from Portugal. 2) Is pizza a Mexican dish? 3) Q: ...? A: It's calm and romantic. 4) Q: ...? A: My name's Marina. 5) Q: ...? A: My favorite sport is volleyball. 6) A: ... B: Good morning. I'm fine, thank you. 7) Q: ...? A: It's Y-A-N. 8) Q: ...? A: I'm sorry. I don't know. 9) Q: ...? A: It's 555-5340. 10) Q: Where's English 1A? A: ... 11) A: Glad to meet you, Andrew. B: ... 12) Q: ...? A: It's in Australia. 13) A: Excuse me, can I come in? B: ... 14) A: This is my friend, Mark. B: ... 15) A: Bye, Frank. See you tomorrow. B: ... 16) A: How do you spell your last name? B: ... 17) A: Can you lend me pen? B: ... 18) Q: ...? A: It's 10:45. 19) A: Where are you from? B: ... 20) Free question and answer. 21) Free question and answer. 22) Free question and answer.

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