1) I ______ watching TV a) was b) waser c) were d) are 2) What _______ you doing? a) wasn´t b) was c) were d) is e) are 3) He ________ looking a) are b) is c) were d) wasn´t 4) Penny Allen ________ (walk) near Loch Ness a) walk b) walking c) was walking d) is walking e) are walking 5) They _____ driving home a) was b) were c) are d) is 6) We ______ working a) were b) was c) waser d) waner´t 7) My family _______ whatching a) weres b) weren´t c) was d) waser e) are f) is 8) I _______ playing whit my dog a) wasn´t b) waser c) were d) is  e) are 9) I _______ dressing up a) were b) was c) is d) weren´t e) are f) isn´t 10) He _______ going to the spa a) was b) waser c) were d) is 11) You ______ going to the park a) was b) were 12) He _______ eating ice cream a) was b) were c) waser



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