1) Peter ___________ basketball on Sunday. a) play b) plays 2) We ______________ cartoons every day. a) watches b) watch 3) She _____________ in the city. a) lives b) live 4) I __________ my grandma every Saturday. a) visits b) visit 5) My brother ___________ karate. a) does b) do 6) They __________ to music. a) listens b) listen 7) The children __________ the trees. a) climbs b) climb 8) I _________ on the trampoline. a) jump b) jumps 9) You _________ a book. a) read b) reads 10) We _____________ a test every week. a) writes b) write 11) My sister __________ a lot. a) sings b) sing 12) He _________ to school at seven o´clock. a) go b) goes

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