1) The place value of 6 in the number 6534 is - a) Hundreds b) Tens c) Thousands d) Ones 2) The face value of 4 in 8745 is -  a) 8 b) 4 c) 7 d) 5 3) Complete the series - 6700 , 6800 , 6900 , __________ , a) 6600 b) 7000 c) 7100 d) 6500 4) What will be the face value of 8 in the number 2786 a) 9 b) 2 c) 8 d) 6 5) Form the smallest 4 digit number using 8, 1, 7, 3 a) 7316 b) 2864 c) 4078 d) 1378 6) What will be the face value of 3 in 5673 a) 6 b) 3 c) 7 d) 5 7) Form the smallest 4 digit number using 4, 0, 8, 1, a) 4081 b) 1084 c) 1048 d) 8410 8) Arrange in ascending order - 7093, 7056, 7005, 7039 a) 7005, 7056, 7039, 7093 b) 7005, 7039, 7056, 7093 c) 7093, 7039, 7005, 7056 d) 7093, 7056, 7039, 7005 9) Arrange in descending order - 8502, 8603, 8505, 8613 a) 8613, 8603, 8505, 8502 b) 8613, 8605, 8502, 8505 c) 8613, 8502, 8505, 8603 d) 8603, 8505, 8613, 8502 10) Complete the series - 3420, 3430, 3440, 3450, ____________ a) 3460 b) 3470 c) 3480 d) 3490 11) Which is the greatest 4 digit number ? a) 9898 b) 9978 c) 9908 d) 9999 12) Arrange in ascending order - 4285, 2385, 5582, 7560 a) 4285 , 2385 , 5582 , 7560 b) 2385 , 4285 , 5582 , 7560 c) 7560 , 4285 , 5582 , 2385 d) 5582 , 4285 , 7560 , 2385 13) Find the place value of 5 in 7465 - a) Thousands b) Hundreds c) Tens d) Ones 14) Form the greatest 4 digit number using 7,1,9,6 a) 1697 b) 9176 c) 9761 d) 6719 15) Arrange in descending order - 3375 , 5733 , 3604 , 5003 a) 5733, 3375, 5003, 3604 b) 5733, 5003, 3375, 3604 c) 3375, 3604, 5003, 5733 d) 5733, 5003, 3604, 3375


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